Surface preparation before painting any kind of steel is key to ensuring the longevity of metal paint and other coatings. Good surface preparation Proper surface preparation is essential and one of the preconditions for a long lasting protective coating systems. […]
The benefits of using specialist industrial coatings for structural steel are significant. Specialist industrial coatings are essentially paints that are used to protect various substrates, like concrete or steel. They are an essential part of the production process for any […]
The critical challenge with structural steel is rusting, leading to corrosion and potential failure. Steel rusts when an electrolyte (e.g. water, soil) and oxygen are both present. The rusting process is accelerated by atmospheric pollutants such as sulphates, chlorides acids […]
Surface preparation before painting any kind of metal product is key to ensuring the longevity of metal paint and other coatings. Good surface preparation Before applying a coating, it is critical to follow a specific surface preparation routine […]
Most people when talking about metal fabrication focus on engineering and design, material selection, and the types of welding processes that are used. Metal fabrication finishes, however, can have a major impact on a finished product’s durability, functionality, and […]
Metal fabricators and product designers are often faced with the challenge of finding a protective coating system to protect their assets. This post answers the question “What is the best type of paint for metal fabrication? Depending […]
The benefits of using specialist industrial coatings for metal fabrication are significant. Specialist industrial coatings are essentially specialised paints that are used to protect various substrates, like concrete or steel. They are an essential part of the production process […]
Painting metal is a challenging business and there are any number of things that can lead to a coating failure – resulting in poor aesthetics and even material performance issues. This post looks at some of the major problems […]
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