Proper surface preparation is essential to ensure that specialist industrial coatings adhere correctly, perform optimally, and provide long-lasting protection. Whether you’re preparing floors, walls, or other surfaces in an industrial facility, following a systematic preparation process is key to achieving […]
It’s been a busy period at Pronto working across the various bank holidays in April and May. I’m pleased to say daily volumes are increasing as the weather slowly improves. (Reports today suggest we’re in for a bumper 42 days […]
Pronto completed another trading year on Friday. Nearly 15 years since James and myself took over the day to day running in the most difficult of circumstances. The company is probably a little larger now than most people realise, with […]
We’re, almost unbelievably, nearly at the end of 2021, another tumultuous year in our industry. And it’s time to reflect. But we’re not going to be downbeat. We’ve all faced a multitude of challenges that have been well documented. Instead, […]
Writing in response to a recent BBC Business piece about building projects being hit by lack of supplies and price rises (26/5/21) I commented that we’ve been in the eye of this storm for several months now. We’re confident that […]
It’s undeniable that the impact of Brexit import/export delays, the ongoing international pandemic and some unfortunate extraneous events in our sector’s supply chain are causing a great many of us a sleepless night or two right now. Demand But […]
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